Fresh salad with veggies, fruit, cheese & grilled slices of bread!

Delicious vegetarian combo salad!!!    Healthy combo salad with lettuce, spring onions, tomato, apple, cheese, pomegranate seeds and grilled sourdough bread!                           

                                                                                    by Eirini Voulgari

Whole as well as julienned fresh lettuce leaves mingled with chopped spring onions, tomato pieces, pomegranate seeds, slices of apple, pieces of cheese and grilled slices of bread brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with dried mint or spearmint!!! Plus a light lemon vinaigrette without mustard or sweet additions; just two parts of olive oil and one part of freshly squeezed lemon juice beaten well. 

I have grilled large slices of homemade sourdough bread after brushing them with a bit of oil. Then I cut them in small pieces and added them in the salad.

Brush or spray the apple with some freshly squeezed lemon juice as soon as you slice it, otherwise its flesh will turn brownish!


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