French crepes!

My basic recipe for French crepes 


  • 1 cup of tea sifted all purpose flour
  • 1 cup of tea  milk
  • 2 eggs
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons of melted butter 
  • some extra sunflower oil for frying


All your ingredients (except the melted butter) must be at room temperature!

1. Whisk the eggs in a bowl until they turn frothy. Add the vanilla extract, the salt, the water, the milk and continue whisking.
2. Add the sifted flour little by little and whisk until a thin homogeneous batter is formed without any lumps.
3. Add the melted butter and whisk a bit more.
4. Brush the bottom of a non stick frying pan with a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Put it on medium fire.
5. When it gets hot pour enough batter for one crepe and move the frying pan from side to side so that the batter will spread and cover the whole of the bottom in a very thin layer.
6. Let the crepe cook. When its edges get loose, lift the crepe a bit with a spatula to check whether it has cooked on its bottom. If it has, turn it to cook on the other side too. 
7. When the crepe is golden brown on both sides, remove it carefully and place it on a large plate.
8. Fry the rest of the crepes in the same way.
9. Serve them hot with your favourite topping! 

Useful tips:

  • When the frying pan runs out of oil, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and continue with the next crepe.
  • Stack the fried crepes one on top of the other on a large plate.

Some ideas for sweet crepe fillings!

with whipped cream, banana, strawberries and chocolate sauce

          with whipped cream, chocolate and strawberry syrup and a frozen raspberry

       with natural yoghurt, strawberry slices, chocolate and hazel nut sauce and fresh mint leaves

          with banana slices, honey and a strawberry

Eirini Voulgari


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